Thursday, June 29, 2017

100 Days of Kindness- Day Two

I’m just sitting down to type this at 9:45pm, and I’ve been up since 5:30am, so I’m going to be brief today.  Today was an easy one, because I already had it on my calendar to volunteer at the New London Community Breakfast program this morning.  It’s not hard to find opportunities to connect with people and show kindness in such a setting.  I’m sure I’ll have more opportunities to say more about the breakfast program over the next 100 days, but for now, I’ll just mention the two new friends I made today.  First, I met Nate.  Nate is an older gentleman who I’ve noticed in the last two months that I’ve been volunteering, always sits in the same chair in the back of the room.  He sits by himself and never talks to anyone.  He doesn’t eat breakfast, he just sits and drinks his coffee. Today I decided to go talk to him.  I wasn’t sure how friendly he would be, but it turns out that Nate was more than happy to chat with me.  He seemed a little shy, so I figured I would just chat for a few minutes so as not to overwhelm him. On my way back to the kitchen, I was stopped by Larry, who I had met the previous week, but hadn’t spoken with at length.  Larry told me how much he likes meeting new friends, and that he tries to make friends everywhere he goes.  I told him he could definitely count me as a friend, and we chatted a little while longer before I had to get back in the kitchen to help with clean up. 

There’s so much more I could say, but it’s getting late and my husband just turned on the John Oliver show, so I’ll save the analysis for another day. Looking forward to another day of kindness tomorrow!

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